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Let a room Let a room

Dates and rent

Starting from 1.4.2025

Until 31.08.2025

Monthly rent sFr. 1105 .–


State Zurich (City)

Address schöneggplatz 1

City 8004 Zurich

Neighbourhood 8004

Nearby next to HB, limmat, europa allee

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The room isreally nice and available from end to march!
it is available for 3 months as renovation are gonna be done in august!
But the room is beautiful, of 16sqm and really bright!
The flat has a great location, with the tram 8 and bus 31,32 at 5 minutes walk
Denner, coop and migrolino are also close to the flat!

We are looking for

for a nice person, maybe an intern or someone new in zurich that looks for something temporary

We are

a nice wg with a woman Franziska studying fashion and a man Johannes, intern in Architecture. They are both really nice and cheerful


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