Advertentie gecontroleerd door
Een kamer huren
Data en huur
Van de 1.4.2025
Tot 31.08.2025
Huurprijs / maand sFr. 1105 .–
Regio Zürich (City)
Adres schöneggplatz 1
Ligging 8004 Zurich
District / Kwartaal 8004
Dichtbij next to HB, limmat, europa allee
Google Translate Grote kaart om af te drukken
De kamer isreally nice and available from end to march!
it is available for 3 months as renovation are gonna be done in august!
But the room is beautiful, of 16sqm and really bright!
The flat has a great location, with the tram 8 and bus 31,32 at 5 minutes walk
Denner, coop and migrolino are also close to the flat!
We zijn op zoek naar
for a nice person, maybe an intern or someone new in zurich that looks for something temporary
Wij zijn
a nice wg with a woman Franziska studying fashion and a man Johannes, intern in Architecture. They are both really nice and cheerful