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Dates et loyer

A partir de 1.2.2025

Jusqu'au Illimité

Loyer mensuel sFr. 700 .-


Région Bâle-Ville

Arrondissement / quartier Allschwill

A proximité de

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Je cherche Shared flat for accommodation from 1st of Feb, Temporary accommodations are fine too

Je suis Good Morning,

I’m Sampath (he/him), originally from India, now living in Switzerland since 2015. I work as a cancer drug discovery scientist and have a range of interests, including fitness, yoga, salsa dancing, cooking, camping, travel, DIY crafts, geopolitics, social causes, and volunteering. Currently, I communicate mainly in English, though I’m excited to improve my German soon 😊. I’m a social, friendly, and easy-going housemate who enjoys sharing meals, drinks, and good conversations!
I appreciate the opportunity to speak with you as soon as you can.

077 912 4417


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