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Je propose une chambre
Dates et loyer
A partir de 1.5.2025
Jusqu'au Illimité
Loyer mensuel sFr. 1290 .–
Région Zurich (ville)
Adresse Rötelstrasse 63
Lieu 8037 Zürich
Arrondissement / quartier Wipkingen
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La chambre estThe room we offer is located on the 2nd floor of a spacious family home with a total of 6 rooms (+ guest room for visitors and friends). The house features three bathrooms.
The room itself has a charming wooden floor and a window facing the garden, offering a peaceful atmosphere with no street noise.
Nous cherchons
We search for a funny, active, enthusiastic, social, human being who can fit in our Villa life. Don't worry if you don't fit these unrealistic requirements, we don't either.
But we love to do stuff together when we can, so if you would rather lock yourself in your room and spend all your time alone, we also have a spacious basement where you could live.
Are you an adventurer, beetroot farmer, dancer or crossword enjoyer? You have the potential of a being a Rötelvilain!!
PS: We are also looking for a microwave, whether you are interested in the room or not please drop one at the address.
PPS: You can move in on 14th April or 1th May ;)
Nous sommes
We are confused.
How could anyone decide to leave such a spacious, loving home?
And yet, here we are — Sophie the hopper (26y), Francesco the trashman (29y), Matias the master chiller (33y), Indira and Natanel (32y and 28y) both (un)professional Baumkuchen and chocolate eaters — grieving as one of our beloved fellows moves on in life.
Can you replace her? Probably not. Nobody can. But you could bake us a cake to ease the suffering.
We offer shelter, a garden to take care of, unsolicited life advices, 1 balcony, chess games, movie nights, pizza from time to time, board games, free drinks (tap water), a hammock, and a lot of guests.