Cette annonce a été prouvé par wgzimmer.ch
Je propose une chambre
Dates et loyer
A partir de 1.4.2025
Jusqu'au Illimité
Loyer mensuel sFr. 1067 .–
Région Zurich (ville)
Adresse Schaffhauserstrasse 139
Lieu 8057 Zurich
Arrondissement / quartier Kreis 6
A proximité de Tramhaltestelle Milchbuck, Irchelpark, Universität Irchel, Coop, Kafi Freud
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La chambre estThe room is spacious, quiet and bright. It has a white built-in wardrobe, is otherwise unfurnished and has its own balcony with a green view of Irchelpark.
The living room is very large, with a bay window, all nicely furnished (e.g. with a record player and a large vinyl record collection) and with lots of plants.
The kitchen is open, with plenty of space for cooking and storing things in the cupboards. Everything is very new.
We are looking forward to your furniture, decoration and plants, if you want to bring something! :)
Nous cherchons
We are looking for someone more or less our age (23 - 33), but are also open to other applications.
We just moved in together, have similar interests and are very happy about someone who brings something new/unknown to the flat share! :)
Otherwise, we are not looking for anything specific, but would be happy to hear more from you if you contact us! :)
Nous sommes
Kuno is 27 and is doing a doctorate in physics. He also enjoys judo, singing karaoke, drinking a beer after work and cooking. He is interested in films and music and therefore often goes to the cinema/the ETH film center, to concerts or to Brocki to get hold of new records.
Joost is Dutch and enjoys mountain biking and skiing now that he lives in a country with some elevation differences. He studied physics and is now applying for jobs in zurich after a stint at a startup in canada. Currently mostly concerned with walking around town, visiting the cinema in the morning and watching the seasons change. alignment: chaotic good