Cette annonce a été prouvé par wgzimmer.ch
Je propose une chambre
Dates et loyer
A partir de 9.2.2025
Jusqu'au Illimité
Loyer mensuel sFr. 750 .–
Région Zürich (Oberland, Glattal)
Adresse Am Wasser 9
Lieu 8600 Duebendorf
Arrondissement / quartier Stettbach / Dübendorf
A proximité de Stettbach Bahnhof
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La chambre estThe room is in a new apartment and due to Genossenschaft quite a good price. I will go to New Zealand for 3 months (Feb, March, April) and would subrent out to you. I would leave all my furniture in so it's all there.
Nous cherchons
We search for a nice, tidy person at the end of the 20s. Obviously, the room is just for 3 months, so this is a big requirement as well.
Nous sommes
You will live with two guys. Miroslav does his master's in Quant Finance and Glen is a Post-Doctoral researcher in Finance. They are quite chill and good to hang out with. The apartment enjoys an open atmosphere where you can come home from work or your studies, have a chat, or chill in your room - whatever you want.