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Je propose une chambre Je propose une chambre

Dates et loyer

A partir de 1.10.2024

Jusqu'au Illimité

Loyer mensuel sFr. 623 .–


Région Lucerne

Adresse Feldmühlestrasse 1

Lieu 6010 Kriens

Arrondissement / quartier Kriens 6010

A proximité de Denner Partner 5min walk
Aldi/Coop 9min walk
Südpol 7min on bike
Bus to the city centre and the train station 18min

Google Translate Grande carte à imprimer


La chambre estThe room is a part of a three room shared flat, with a bathroom, living room and a balcony. It's on the 7th floor, with an elevator, so the view is pretty nice.
All the furniture except the table and chair can be sold.
The rent is 623,-chf without NK. No security deposit needed.

Nous cherchons

A calm person, male/female

Nous sommes

I am recently moving out.
The other two flatmates are Bartosz and Alfred, two guys who work, they are both very kind.
The mood in the flat is relaxed, quiet and everybody does their own business.

If you're interested, just contact me so that we can make an appointment.


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