SCAM - Je propose une chambre Je propose une chambre

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647 / 1 519

Publicité frauduleuse à partir du 13. mars 2021

Dates et loyer

A partir de 1.4.2021

Jusqu'au Illimité

Loyer mensuel sFr. 500 .–


Région zurich-stadt

Adresse Scheuchzerstrasse

Lieu 8006 Zurich

Arrondissement / quartier Central


La chambre estThis freshly renovated apartment is fully equipped and in which living, sleeping and eating can be easily combined. The box spring bed invites you to dream and the wide window sill is perfect for reading a book and relaxing. There is also a modern bathroom with a bathtub and a fully equipped fitted kitchen. And the apartment is nice and quiet thanks to the new windows.
Here you have everything your heart desires and you can feel at home from the first minute

Nous cherchons

For non smoker either male or female,students or young professionals

Nous sommes

Nice and non smoker,student at the ETH University


NE CONTACTEZ PAS! Helena Marquardt

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