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529 / 1.514

Anuncio de estafa del 01. septiembre 2021

Datos y alquiler

A partir de 25.9.2021

Hasta Ilimitado

Alquiler mensual sFr. 650 .–


Región zurich-stadt

Dirección Manessestrasse 208

Localidad 8045 Zurich

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La habitación es/estáThe room is in a cosy flat with two rooms and kitchen in central location in Zürich. In the direct neighborhood you find a shopping mall, several parks and also a tram station, from where it's only a 5 minutes ride to Bahnhofstrasse and lake Zurich.
There's just 1 housemate and you will be haring just the living room and kitchen with her.


1 Housemate to stay in the vacant private room

¿Quién somos?

Landlord renting out own apartment


NO CONTACTAR! Celvin Ayrinhac

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