SCAM - Alquilar un piso
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Anuncio de estafa del 13. septiembre 2021
Datos y alquiler
A partir de 13.9.2021
Hasta Ilimitado
Alquiler mensual sFr. 700 .–
Región zurich-stadt
Dirección Hofwiesenstrasse 234
Localidad 8057 zurich
Cerca (Tram 11/Bus32) and 10 minutes from Bucheggplatz (Tram11/15 Bus32/69/72)
Google Translate Mapa grande para imprimir
La habitación es/estáThere is a kitchen fully equipped, one bathroom, a corridor and a balcony. If you want to explore and see the city, this will be the perfect location for you
A nice clean individual who is ready to clean after him or herself, respect privacy
¿Quién somos?
2 students from different background , studying and the other an intern . Been living here for almost 2 years
NO CONTACTAR! Muzafer Camille