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Dates and rent

Starting from 1.6.2025

Until End of August 2025

Rent sFr. 1100 .-


State Lausanne



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I am looking for I'm working for SBB and am doing a Jobrotation in Renens between May and August 2025. I'm looking for a room in the Region Lausanne/Renens to subrent during that time.

I am I'm 32 years old and working for SBB as an engineer. I will keep my flat in Bern but will probably spend most of the time in Lausanne duing the time of my Jobrotation. I speak English German and also some French (to improve that is the main goal of the Rotation, therefore I would like to spend some time with potential flatmates but am also open to single rooms).
In my free time I like doing all sorts of outdoor sports (climbing, ski-touring, cycling, ...)


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