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Let a room Let a room

Dates and rent

Starting from 30.1.2025

Until No time restrictions

Monthly rent sFr. 1290 .–


State Zurich (City)

Address Knüslistrasse

City 8004 Zürich

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The room isThis room in shared accommodation offers the following features:

2 roommates

Kitchen with kitchen equipment

Bath / toilet

Furnished room

Water and electricity charges


Cleaning of the common areas

Community vacuum cleaner 

Room Estate is a provider of furnished and serviced rooms at various locations in Switzerland and Germany. Our tenants range from young workers to interns and students who appreciate meeting new people and living comfortably and comfortably. At Room Estate you can register for the room directly online. Simply create an account, register and get informed in 48 hours. You can view all of our rooms using the virtual 360 ° tour. It is also possible to rent the room without viewing. For more information:

We are looking for

Wir suchen junge Arbeitstätige, Praktikanten sowie Studenten, die es schätzen neue Leute kennenzulernen und bequem und komfortabel zu wohnen.
We are searching for young professionals, internees or students searching for a convenient and comfortable place to stay where you can meet new like-minded people. ------------------------------------- Nous sommes à la recherche de jeunes professionnels ou étudiants souhaitant trouver un lieu de séjour pratique et confortable où vous pourrez rencontrer de nouvelles personnes partageant la même façon de vivre.

We are

Room Estate ist ein Anbieter von möblierten Zimmern und Serviced Rooms in mehreren Schweizer Städten. Unsere Mieter reichen von jungen Arbeitnehmern bis hin zu Praktikanten und Studenten.
Room Estate is a professional provider of furnished and serviced rooms in several Swiss cities. Our tenants come from different professionals or educational environments ------------------------------ Room Estate est specialisé dans le coliving et fournit des chambres meublées et d'autres services, dans plusieurs villes suisses. Nos locataires sont issus de différents milieux professionnels ou étudiants.


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