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Let a room Let a room

Dates and rent

Starting from 2.3.2025

Until No time restrictions

Monthly rent sFr. 1250 .–


State Zurich (City)

Address Oerlikonerstrasse 40

City 8057 Zürich

Neighbourhood 11

Nearby Near to Milchbuck, University Irchel, the city (10’ tram ride) and Oerlikon (5’ tram ride) public transport (4‘ walk).

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The room isLooking for someone to temporarily take over a beautiful 16.5 sqm room in a bright and spacious apartment. The room is completely furnished with a bed, desk, shelves and a big closet.
✨ About the flat:
 Modern, stylish, and filled with natural light (kitchen, dining area and living room). There‘s a big, shared bathroom with toilet and an extra separate toilet.

We are looking for

👀 Looking for: A clean and easygoing person around 30 years old who isn’t in full-time home office.

We are

Shared with two amazing flatmates. One is a 34-year-old who works as a teacher and the other 26 year old Italian, who works as a project manager. We both love a balanced life of sports, food, socializing and going put for drinks or a little dance on weekends.


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