Suche ein Zimmer Suche ein Zimmer

Daten und Miete

Ab dem 14.12.2024

Bis Unbefristet

Miete / Monat sFr. 800 .-


Region Winterthur

Kreis / Quartier different rooms in shared house

In der nähe Since I have just arrived in Switzerland, we are only temporarily staying in a house sharing with 5 other people.

Google Translate


Ich suche I can use the kitchen and the surroundings are clean.
I am currently looking for an apartment in a house urgently.

Ich bin Hi, my name is Deniz Inel, and I’m 19 years old. I am a citizen of Switzerland, Brazil, and Turkey, but I have spent most of my life in Turkey. I recently moved to Switzerland to complete my education and meet people from different cultures.

In my free time, I enjoy spending time with friends, exploring the outdoors, and having meaningful conversations about both everyday topics and more thought-provoking subjects. I’ve been passionate about software development for over two years, actively learning and applying my skills. I also love watching movies and staying active through sports.

If this post catches your interest, I’d be happy to hear from you. Sending my best regards and love!

Deniz Inel


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