Von wgzimmer.ch geprüftes Inserat
Vermiete ein Zimmer
Daten und Miete
Ab dem 28.1.2025
Bis July 31, 2025
Miete / Monat sFr. 950 .–
Region Waadt
Adresse Chemin du Closelet 4
Ort 1006 Lausanne
Kreis / Quartier Grancy
In der Nähe An 8-minute walk from Lausanne gare. There is also a Migros in front of the building.
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Das Zimmer ist3.5x4.5m, fully furnished (see the first photo).
Wir suchen
A tidy person who urgently needs temporary housing. The room is offered until March 15th.
Wir sind
You will be sharing the apartment with two PhD students from EPFL.