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Dati a affitto

A partire da 1.7.2025

Fino 31.07.2025

Affitto mensile sFr. 920 .–


Regione Zurigo (città)

Indirizzo Kalkbreitestrasse 121

Località 8003 Zürich

Distritto / quartiere Kreis 3

Nei dintorni alles

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La stanza èvollständig möbliert und hed balkonzuegang


fully furnished and has balcony access


jemensch wo es zimmer zmitzt ih de stadt würd überneh für en monet. ich bin am festival da jazz in st. moritz am schaffe de ganz juli dure und würd darum gern mis zimmer untervermiete. wär cool wenn du kulturintressiert, locker druff und zum ne gwüsse grad gmeinschaftsbedürftig bisch :)


someone who would take over a room in the middle of the city for a month. I'm working at the st. moritz jazz festival for the whole of july and would like to sublet my room. it would be cool if you were interested in culture, easygoing, and somewhat sociable :)

Chi siamo

de sevi, en diffige velokurier und lead singer vo de band the raw soul. ih de nacht mutiert er amigs zum ne raccoon.

de philipp, en überschlaue jazz pianist wo ih gfühlt 28 bands isch und 15h klaviert spilt am tag. hed sis komplette interesse ah maschinebau verlore (falls es überhaupt mal ume gsi isch).

und ich (cedric), de - plot twist - unmusikalischi schachfanatiker wo ab und zue (nach em hauptbruef nachtmensch si) im labor mit zellkulture umebastlet.


sevi, a resilient bike courier and frontman of the band the raw soul. by day, he delivers sushi - by night, he occasionally shapeshifts into a raccoon.

philipp, a brainiac jazz pianist who plays in what feels like 28 bands at once and grinds the piano for 15 hours a day. his passion for mechanical engineering has completely evaporated (if it ever existed in the first place).

and me (cedric), the – plot twist – utterly unmusical chess addict who, every now and then (after my full-time job as a night owl), dabbles in some science stuff with cell cultures in the lab.


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