Cette annonce a été prouvé par wgzimmer.ch
Je propose une chambre
Dates et loyer
A partir de 1.4.2025
Jusqu'au 1st of September 2025
Loyer mensuel sFr. 1130 .–
Région Zurich (ville)
Adresse Weinbergstrasse 161
Lieu 8006 Zurich
Arrondissement / quartier 8006
A proximité de Schaffauserplatz
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La chambre estI am leaving for 5 months and my room will be available for sublet. The apartment is spacious and centrally located (you can see Schaffauserplatz from our balcony). The room has two windows and will come furnished.
Nous cherchons
We are looking for someone who is in their 20s, feels comfortable speaking English (Italian even better), and is chill.
Nous sommes
I live with two lovely people, Anto and Sofi, from Ticino, both in their early twenties.