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Dates et loyer

A partir de 10.5.2025

Jusqu'au Illimité

Loyer mensuel sFr. 1390 .–


Région Zurich (ville)

Adresse Zentralstrasse 133

Lieu 8003 Zürich

Arrondissement / quartier 3

A proximité de Idaplatz, Lochergut, Wiedikon

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La chambre estAuf den 10. Mai 2025 wird ein Zimmer in unserer 2-er WG an der Zentralstrasse frei

Die Wohnung ist bestens gelegen, mitten in Zürich Wiedikon, super an die öV angebunden (Tram, Bus). Der Idaplatz und das Lochergut sind direkt um die Ecke.

Die Wohnung ist im 3. Stock und hat zwei Balkone - der grosse geht in den ruhigen Innenhof, der kleinere ist an das Zimmer deines zukünftigen Mitbewohners angeschlossen. Die Strassenseite geht zur Zentralstrasse raus.

Wohnung und Liegenschaft wurden erst vor ca. 10 Jahren zuletzt renoviert und sind dementsprechend modern ausgestattet, d.h. mit moderner Küche, Spülmaschine, Parkettboden und eigener Waschmaschine und Tumbler.

Das Zimmer ist ca. 15qm gross.


I'm offering a room in our 2-person shared apartment on Zentralstrasse, available from 1. April 2025

The 2-bedroom apartment is located on the 3rd floor and has two balconies - the smaller one is connected to your future roommate's room, and the large one overlooks the peaceful courtyard. The street-facing side opens to Zentralstrasse and is beautiful in spring thanks to the cherry blossom trees.

The apartment is excellently located, with only a two-minute walk to the tram (2, 3) and bus (72), as well as to the nearest Coop supermarket at Locherqut. Idaplatz is also just around the corner.

The apartment and the property were renovated about 10 years ago and are thus equipped with modern amenities, including a modern kitchen, dishwasher, parquet flooring, and, here's the best part, our own washing machine and dryer in the apartment.

There is a living/dining room with an open kitchen, as well as two rooms and a cellar for storage.

Nous cherchons

Please write a few words about yourself and what’s important to you in a shared apartment :)

Nous sommes

About me, I’m 33 years old and work as a psychologist in addiction treatment. My hobbies are fitness, playing the acoustic guitar, Netflix, and meeting friends.

I like relaxed evenings during weekdays (not party) and I'm a tidy and organised person. It would be good if you’re around my age, so between mid-20s and mid-30s.


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