Cette annonce a été prouvé par wgzimmer.ch
Je propose une chambre
Dates et loyer
A partir de 2.3.2025
Jusqu'au Illimité
Loyer mensuel sFr. 1250 .–
Région Zurich (ville)
Adresse Oerlikonerstrasse 40
Lieu 8057 Zürich
Arrondissement / quartier 11
A proximité de Near to Milchbuck, University Irchel, the city (10’ tram ride) and Oerlikon (5’ tram ride) public transport (4‘ walk).
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La chambre estLooking for someone to temporarily take over a beautiful 16.5 sqm room in a bright and spacious apartment. The room is completely furnished with a bed, desk, shelves and a big closet.
✨ About the flat:
Modern, stylish, and filled with natural light (kitchen, dining area and living room). There‘s a big, shared bathroom with toilet and an extra separate toilet.
Nous cherchons
👀 Looking for: A clean and easygoing person around 30 years old who isn’t in full-time home office.
Nous sommes
Shared with two amazing flatmates. One is a 34-year-old who works as a teacher and the other 26 year old Italian, who works as a project manager. We both love a balanced life of sports, food, socializing and going put for drinks or a little dance on weekends.