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Je propose une chambre Je propose une chambre

Dates et loyer

A partir de 14.1.2025

Jusqu'au Illimité

Loyer mensuel sFr. 636 .–


Région Zürich (Altstetten, Höngg)

Adresse Freilagerstrasse 90

Lieu 8047 Zurich

Arrondissement / quartier Freilagerstrasse

A proximité de Alstetten Train Station - 10 mins
Siemens Tram Stop - 7 mins
Flurstrasse Bus Stop - 2 mins

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La chambre estRoom is spacious (10 m2) in a shared WOKO flat. The room has access to a balcony and the flat has a common kitchen, with common use utensils and appliances. There are 3 washrooms as well as an access to the laundry room as well as bike parking.

Nous cherchons

We are looking a student enrolled in any of the universities. The person should be social, maintains cleanliness and is also considerate of the flatmates co-living in the same premises.

Nous sommes

We are a group of 6 flatmates, belonging to various countries. We love to organize flat dinners, outings, watch movies from time to time and also try new boardgames.


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