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Je propose une chambre
Dates et loyer
A partir de 14.4.2025
Jusqu'au ab sofort, mindest 3 Monate
Loyer mensuel sFr. 1500 .–
Région Zurich (ville)
Adresse Fortunagasse
Lieu 8001 Zürich
Arrondissement / quartier kreis 1
A proximité de The apartment building is situated in front of the Lindenhof (Old town). The tramstop is Rennweg (Bahnhofstrasse). It is 8 min walking distance from Zurich HB
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La chambre estThe furnished room is in a shared apartment. It has a private wc/bathroom. The room is bright and sunny. The kitchen is to share. It is equipped with necessary utensils. The room is for 1 person and ideal for a temporary stay.
Nous cherchons
If you like the old town, then this is the perfect place where to stay. The apartment is not big as it was built by a butcher on year 1336. I look for someone tidy, responsible and easy going.
Nous sommes
The other room is occupied by male master student (ETH), 23 years