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Je propose une chambre
Je propose une chambre

Dates et loyer

A partir de 1.10.2024

Jusqu'au Illimité

Loyer mensuel sFr. 790 .–

  WG intergénérationnelle


Région Bâle-Ville

Adresse Buchenstrasse 3

Lieu 4054 Basel

Arrondissement / quartier Gotthelf Quartier 4054

A proximité de centrally located near SBB train station, Basel University Hospital, university, airport connection and direct tram connection to the Basel exhibition center as well as various shopping facilities and restaurants

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La chambre estFurnished with a bed, desk, reading chair, closet, wardrobe and shelves. Fast WiFi.

Nous cherchons

Preferably a student, nurse or therapist who is open to living in a shared apartment across generations.

Nous sommes

I am a young, cheerful, mature woman and work independently as a visionary artist, body therapist and coach. I enjoy living in an uncomplicated shared apartment with another cheerful person. I only have my bedroom in the apartment and spend a lot of time working/living in the attic, so the shared living room is usually free.


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Appartements meublés à louer ou à sous-louer : UMS Service Sous-location www.ums.ch