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Je propose une chambre Je propose une chambre

Dates et loyer

A partir de 1.11.2024

Jusqu'au Illimité

Loyer mensuel sFr. 1260 .–


Région Zurich (ville)

Adresse Klingenstrasse

Lieu 8005 Zürich

Arrondissement / quartier Kreis 5

A proximité de 450m zum HB Zurich.

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La chambre estThe room is situated in a four room apartment. Furnished with high end box spring bed and antique furniture, art nouveau lamps (1910's) Biedermeier walnut tables (1870's), antique mirrors, chandelier (1930's). The walls have charming wooden covers, the room is flooded with light and has a large wardrobe. The kitchen is well equipped, furnished with all you need. The flat is situated in a very quiet neighbourhood, even though it's only 450 m from Zurich HB.

Nous cherchons

The ideal flatmate is mature, opinionated, experienced and interested in contributing to a lively and cosy home, appreciated as a place of encounter and discussion. Would be valued if you have interests in culture, arts, politics, society issues, literature, global and sustainability issues and if you are travel experienced.

Please write to us about yourself (if possible with a link to your profile and photos) so we can get an impression of you.

Nous sommes

The flatmates are:
Jana from Prague is a postdoc in Philosophy and Ethics of Technology and AI, Tom from Berlin, is a post-Doc in Botanics and a very experienced global adventurer, Izzy has her own start-up in Medical Tourism. All are in their late thirties to mid forties.


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