Cette annonce a été prouvé par wgzimmer.ch
Je propose une chambre
Dates et loyer
A partir de 1.4.2025
Jusqu'au Illimité
Loyer mensuel sFr. 800 .–
Région Bâle-Ville
Adresse Klingentalstrasse 85
Lieu 4057 Basel-Stadt
Arrondissement / quartier Kleinbasel
A proximité de The location of the apartment is very central (4057), with the Rhein, Lange Erlen Forrest and plenty of grocery stores all within walking distance. The main SBB station is only 15min away with the T2 departing from Messeplatz
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The apartment is shared between three people, and you will have access to the kitchen, bathroom, and our private garden. The apartment is modern and includes a dishwasher, washing machine, dryer, microwave, air fryer, rice cooker and oven.
The price for the room is CHF200/ week including internet, and is negotiable.
To protect our privacy, pictures of the full room and apartment were not uploaded. Please send me an email with a short description of yourself, and your availability. I will be happy to arrange a video call or time for you to visit.
Nous cherchons
I am looking for someone to sublet my spacious room (16m2), and to care for my house plants while I am overseas in Tajikistan completing research for my Bachelor Thesis.
Nous sommes
About us: I (24) am currently in my final year of my Bachelor's degree in Environmental Technology at the FHNW Life Science. The other roommates are also students, completing a Bachelor in Architecture (24) and a PhD in Organic Chemistry (27) respectively.