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Je propose une chambre Je propose une chambre

Dates et loyer

A partir de 20.2.2025

Jusqu'au Illimité

Loyer mensuel sFr. 731 .–


Région Bâle-Ville

Adresse Friedensgasse, 35

Lieu 4056 Basel

Arrondissement / quartier Friedensgasse

A proximité de Biocentre, University, University library, Chem dept, DBSSE, hospital, Kannenfeldpark, Spalentor, Coop, Migros, Denner,

Google Translate Grande carte à imprimer


La chambre est15.5 m^2, looks out onto a garden, calm neighbourhood. Already furnished, ex-roommate can arrange to sell it all to the next tenant for a reasonable price :) If you prefer, we have a second room of 21.5 m^2 in a separate ad, which should cost around 717 CHF. Let me know if you want to see more photos, since the ad only lets me put three!

Nous cherchons

We're looking for someone who is relaxed and friendly. Someone who is social, down for a drink every now and again but also respects personal space etc.

Nous sommes

My name is Antonio. I am a 25 y/o Master's student studying at the music academy (don't worry, I rarely music at home and for sure not at night!) I will also be renting a second room in the flat, so we'll be three in total.

The flat is newly renovated, with a modern kitchen (with a v nice oven!) and two bathrooms (one with a shower/bath and the other just a toilet). We also have a spare room which we can use for guests. We also have a laundry machine and tumble dryer in the flat which can be used at any time. Due to these renovations, the room price will increase (from 567 to about 730 CHF). We don't know the exact cost yet but it should be around this :)

La chambre ressemble plutôt à un studio


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