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Let a room Let a room

Dates and rent

Starting from 1.4.2025

Until No time restrictions

Monthly rent sFr. 328 .–


State Zurich (City)

Address Lerchenrain 13

City 8046 Zürich

Neighbourhood 8046, Zürich

Nearby ETH Hönggerberg

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The room isThe room is around 18 m2. The house has 6 bedrooms with 2 bathrooms and 2 balconies. The house is very close to ETH Hönggerberg and 10 minutes by bus to Oerlikon.
I would sell the bed if I don't need in my new house (still to be decided ).
There would be a small possibility to sublet the room from 1st March.

We are looking for

You should fulfill the WOKO criteria. Please give a brief introduction of yourself and append a photo if you can.

We are

We are 2 girls and 3 guys. Mikel and Laura are doing their Masters at ETH. Giacomo, Christian and Jimena are studying music at ZHdk. We like to eat together and watch movies together from time to time.


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