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Let a room Let a room

Dates and rent

Starting from 4.3.2025

Until 30.09.2025

Monthly rent sFr. 850 .–


State Zurich (City)

Address Bächlerstrasse 5

City 8046 Zürich

Neighbourhood 11

Nearby Zehntenhausplatz

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The room is**English Version:**

Apartment for Rent starting May 1st (or earlier by arrangement)
Fully furnished 70m² apartment in a great location.
One of the three rooms will remain closed, making the rent more affordable.
Perfect for singles or couples looking for a cozy and well-located home.
Contact me for more details or to schedule a viewing!

850 is the price for a single person.


**Deutsche Version:**

Wohnung zu vermieten ab dem 01.05. (oder früher nach Vereinbarung)
70m² komplett möbliert in guter Lage.
Eines der drei Zimmer bleibt geschlossen, daher günstigere Miete.
Ideal für Singles oder Paare, die ein gemütliches und zentral gelegenes Zuhause suchen.
Bei Interesse oder für eine Besichtigung einfach melden!

We are looking for

Anyone who needs a furnished space, is reliable, clean and respectful to my belongings.

We are

I am 27 y.o. male leaving Switzerland for 3-5 months.
After the period a cheaper subletting contract is possible.


Please click here to
see the contact details.

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