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Let a room Let a room

Dates and rent

Starting from 10.2.2025

Until No time restrictions

Monthly rent sFr. 1250 .–


State Zurich (City)

Address Brauerstasse

City 8004 Zurich

Neighbourhood Kreis 4

Nearby Bäckeranlage / Längstrasse

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The room is!! IMPORTANT UPDATE !!

**Room available UNLIMITEDLY from mid-February and no longer from March!**

Leaving my cozy and bright room in the heart of Zurich, right next to Bäckeranlage, on the beautiful block of the Gamper Bar and the Miro Café.

Super bright flat in one of the nicest neighbourhoods. 5 minutes' walk from everything. You will love having breakfast on our wooden bench and enjoying the sunshine outside the window.

The room is about 20 sqm, and has a built-in wardrobe at your disposal. Bed and mattress upon discussion!

If you are interested, please contact us via contact form. You are welcome to come and see the shared flat and room!

We are looking for

Someone clean and tidy who will also take care of my plants while I'm away.

We are

A beautiful Italian-Swiss girl in her 30s with a great passion for fitness. You will love drinking coffee in our living room with her and talking about anything!


Please click here to
see the contact details.

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