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Let a room Let a room

Dates and rent

Starting from 1.4.2025

Until No time restrictions

Monthly rent sFr. 1457 .–


State Zurich (City)

Address Bederstrasse 80

City 8002 Zürich

Neighbourhood Kreis 2

Nearby - Zürich HB (15 min public transportation)
- Coop / Migros (5 min walking distance)
- Many public transporations (Tram 5, 6, 7, 13, 17, Bus 72, Train S8, S24)
- Zürich Lake (10 min walking distance)

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The room isAll the details about the flat and the WG:
- 2 other people in the flatshare
- Bederstrasse 80, Kreis 2
- Available from early April (negotiable for mid-April too)
- Room: 20.5 m² - gives on a quiet street
- Apartment: 100 m² (Large kitchen-dining-living room + 1 bathroom shared)
- Rent: 1457 CHF per month (Additional costs between 30 and 35 CHF per month)

We are looking for

A nice flatmate, who enjoys spending WG-time together on occasions and is respectful of privacy and common living spaces.

We are

We are Giulio and Victor, two young professionals in their early 30s. We like sports, the outdoor, playing music (there is a piano and a guitar in the flat!). We travel frequently for work and for our personal life so we are not in every day, but when we are, we enjoy also spending some WG time together, be it cooking, having a drink, watching a movie, etc. If you are interested, we would love to hear a bit about you as well.


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