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Let a room Let a room

Dates and rent

Starting from 1.5.2025

Until 30.6.25

Monthly rent sFr. 1250 .–


State Zurich (City)

Address Schwamendingenstrasse 16

City 8050 Zürich

Neighbourhood Oerlikon

Nearby 8 min by foot to Bahnhof Oerlikon, 15 min with the tram to UZH / ETH centre or 5 mins train ride to zurich main train station.

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The room isGreat established in Zurich with a two-month rental.
You will have two rooms. The two rooms are furnished: bed, nightstand with lamp, table, chair, sofa, shelf.
There is also a big kitchen with a table and another, bigger table in the common area.

My flatmate moves out and the rooms are available for 2 months (May, June) until 30. June when a person will arrive for the long-term.

We are looking for

We are looking for a man or woman 25-45. You should be clean (there is a cleaning plan), orderly and considerate, and ready for a nice chat in the kitchen. :-)

We are

Sebastian (41, teacher). We offer the same and and are looking forward to a respectful WG-life with you.


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