SCAM - Je propose une chambre
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Dates et loyer
A partir de 30.9.2019
Jusqu'au Illimité
Loyer mensuel sFr. 670 .–
Région zurich
Adresse Rosenberstrasse 69
Lieu 8304 Wallisellen
Arrondissement / quartier Wallisellen
A proximité de 6 min walk to Bhanhof ( HB 10 min by Train). Migross , Coop, Denner, Postoffice. The Glatt Shoppingcenter is about 10 min away.
La chambre estThe room is very cute, come with bed and commode, also there is Build in closets. The flat is after reconstruction and we are moving there this weekend as new tenants.
Bathroom is super new, with enough space. Kitchen will be fully equipped with small table to dining.
The rent is 670, all included as WiFi, serafe, bills, trash bags, hygiene products.
Nous cherchons
Easygoing person, long term and move in immediately.
Nous sommes
Work professional,
NE CONTACTEZ PAS! Marcela Bubnikova