SCAM - Je propose une chambre Je propose une chambre

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808 / 1 513

Publicité frauduleuse à partir du 01. mars 2024

Dates et loyer

A partir de 1.3.2024

Jusqu'au Illimité

Loyer mensuel sFr. 470 .–


Région zurich-stadt

Adresse Witikonerstr

Lieu 8053 Zurich

Arrondissement / quartier Kreis 7

A proximité de Our surroundings include several amazing sports fields, parks and mountains.The bus stop is literally in front of the house. We’ve got few supermarket close by– Coop, Migro, Aldi, etc. To the city centre it’s 10 min by car and just 20 min bus.

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La chambre estBeautifully furnished room with double bed and TV. The rooms are separated with a thin wall and a bit noice sensitive. Suitable for a short term and long term

Nous cherchons

Suitable for a simple and easy going person who is fun, enjoys joining to party and events, trips or redecorate the apartment.

Obviously you should be reliable and tidy even without a cleaning plan. If you can share your Instagram then that’s a bonus. 😎

Nous sommes

We will be 2 people and I work in marketing and in tourism.
Sometimes work from home. I like doing sports, going to cafes meeting friends and traveling together. We’re quit social. 😊 #YouOnlyLiveOnce

See you soon
Alex 👋



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