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594 / 1.519

Anuncio de estafa del 31. mayo 2021

Datos y alquiler

A partir de 4.7.2021

Hasta Ilimitado

Alquiler mensual sFr. 650 .–


Región zurich-stadt

Dirección Heliosstrasse 1

Localidad 8032 Zürich

Cerca University, banks , shops etc

Google Translate Mapa grande para imprimir


La habitación es/estáA large room is available from July. Great location with easy access to university shops and bars. Feel at home in your en-suite room, which has a private shower room with a sink and toilet, a comfortable bed, and a Wi-Fi-connected study area. As well as a wardrobe, you'll find storage space under your bed and shelves and drawers to store your belongings. Your shared fitted kitchen and living area is an ideal space to relax with your flatmates. For more details, send a direct message. Ps:- You can as well rent from September too.


neat and friendly person

¿Quién somos?

working students

La habitación es más bien un estudio

Sólo estudiantes pueden alquilar esta habitación.

Sólo estudiantes pueden alquilar esta habitación.


NO CONTACTAR! Florian Forlano

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