SCAM - Alquilar un piso Alquilar un piso

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1.145 / 1.519

Anuncio de estafa del 14. enero 2020

Datos y alquiler

A partir de 14.1.2020

Hasta Ilimitado

Alquiler mensual sFr. 570 .–


Región zurich-stadt

Dirección Zähringerstrasse 29

Localidad 8001 Zürich

Cerca Restaurants, stores, gym, public transport is just a few steps away from the building.


La habitación es/está- Cozy room with a window and an exterior view

- All furnished with two portable drawers for extra storage

- A bed, desk, chair and closet

- Floors are carpeted

- Own bathroom right in the room. Shower, toilet, sink and mirror

- Wi-Fi Internet.

- Access to shops is quiet easy as well as access to public transport.

The apartment has 2 bedrooms therefore, you'll share the living room and kitchen with me. I am open to requested and i'll response as quick as possible.


A responsible, clean and tidy person. student or professional are welcome.

¿Quién somos?

I am an easy going person and need someone to occupy the second room in my apartment.


NO CONTACTAR! Regina Mosch

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