SCAM - Alquilar un piso Alquilar un piso

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1.510 / 1.519

Anuncio de estafa del 08. mayo 2023

Datos y alquiler

A partir de 10.8.2023

Hasta Ilimitado

Alquiler mensual sFr. 750 .–


Región zurich-stadt

Dirección Zypressenstrasse 67

Localidad 8004 Zürich

Cerca The 2bedroom apartment share is centrally located in the fourth Zurich area. The city center and all the landmark's you reach by tram in 5-15 minutes.
The private room comes with a private bathroom too. I

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La habitación es/estáThe 2 bedroom apartment share is centrally located in the fourth zurich area. The city center and all the landmark's you reach by tram in 5-15 minutes.


The 2 bedroom apartment is centrally located in the fourth Zurich area. The city center and all the landmark's you reach by tram in 5-15 minutes. The private bedroom comes with a private bathroom for the renter too.
The tram station is only 2 minutes walk away. From there you reach with tram 2,3
- 5 minutes to Staufacher
- 5 minutes to Langtrasse
- 8 minutes to Zurich HB mainstation sihlpost
- 12 minutes HB mainstation Bahnhofplatz
- 13 minutes to Bellvue (lake)
- 4 minutes to Letzistadion
The train station Hardbrücke is 900m walk

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NO CONTACTAR! Heorhiy Marchenko

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