SCAM - Vermiete ein Zimmer Vermiete ein Zimmer

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865 / 1.523

Scam Inserat vom 25. August 2020

Daten und Miete

Ab dem 25.8.2020

Bis no time restriction

Miete / Monat sFr. 600 .–


Region winterthur

Adresse Paulstr. 25

Ort 8400 Winterthur

In der Nähe Migros Neuwiesen


Das Zimmer istAm renting a furnished room bedroom in my 2 bedroom apartment , it consist of the basic hosing facilities and complete set of kitchen utensils for people who love to cook just like i do.
it's located in a very good environment which you can access all the your basic needs.

Wir suchen

Am looking for a roommate more like a sibling so we can interact and never have a boring moment together, and someone who can be in charge of the house when am not around.
a neat and friendly person with experience in sharing a room.

Wir sind

Am a fun to be with kind of person , always want every moment spent to be a memorable one , I love to cook , that is he first thing you will notice in my kitchen i got a wonderful set of utensil
I also love to travel have been to a lot of countries , it really more than you can imagine trust me.



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