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207 / 1.523

Anuncio de estafa del 19. abril 2024

Datos y alquiler

A partir de 19.4.2024

Hasta Ilimitado

Alquiler mensual sFr. 900 .–


Región baselstadt

Dirección Peterskirchplatz 1, 4051 Basel

Localidad 4051 Basel

Distrito / barrio Basel

Cerca Basel

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La habitación es/están close cooperation with the monument preservation and building research department of the city of Basel, a true dream home was created in the summer of 2020 at Peterskirchplatz 1, from the oldest stone house in the city of Basel. 42 fully furnished, modern apartments with their own bathroom and shower and a well-equipped shared kitchen. All apartments are equipped with modern furnishings and are ready to move into.

A state-of-the-art kitchen is available to all residents on the ground floor - also as a meeting point. A spacious laundry room has been set up for personal laundry. Contact with the outside world works via free WiFi or with just a few steps to Basel's lively old town.


We are looking for a responsible tenant to take proper care of my property for me.

¿Quién somos?

I am the landlord



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