SCAM - Vermiete ein Zimmer Vermiete ein Zimmer

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190 / 1.523

Scam Inserat vom 20. Mai 2024

Daten und Miete

Ab dem 1.7.2024

Bis Unbefristet

Miete / Monat sFr. 750 .–


Region zurich-stadt

Adresse Blümlisalpstrasse

Ort 8006 Zurich

Google Translate Grosse Karte zum Ausdrucken


Das Zimmer ist
1,402 / 5,000
The comfortable room is fully equipped: it is furnished with a single bed with drawers, mattress, fully washable summer-winter duvets, pillows and bedside lamp. It also has a desk, office chair, desk lamp, wastepaper basket and desk set, bookcase, chest of drawers, shoe rack, coat stand and a 3-door wardrobe with mirror as well as bistro table and chairs. The room has cozy wall and ceiling lighting (energy-saving LEDs), curtains and a small carpet.
Traveling with small luggage is possible at any time!
The modern bathroom with window, walk-in shower, towel warmer, mirror cabinet, base cabinet and underfloor heating leaves nothing to be desired.
Of course there is also a kitchen available (dishes, cutlery, pots, everything is available).
There is a washing machine and tumble dryer, as well as an iron

Wir suchen

Friendly,non smoker and tidy person,either male or female

Wir sind

I'm Janina, I'm open, social and active, I spend most of my time at university, but otherwise I really enjoy being out with friends, doing sports and going to museums, bars, parks and flea markets. Otherwise, I provide legal advice for refugees and write for the university newspaper. come over! I'm super flexible with my time and could come over at any time.



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